How to Turn Free Call Attendees into Inspired Leads


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Why Do So Many People Waste Your Time on Free Calls?

You offer free calls to connect, to help, to build relationships…

But let’s be honest—how many of those calls actually lead to serious clients?

You’ve seen the patterns. The same types of people show up, time and time again. Some are ready. Most? They’re not.

And if you don’t know how to handle them, you’ll keep wondering why so few actually take action.

The 5 Types of People Who Show Up to Free Calls

💡 The Skeptic – They don’t trust you yet. They ask for proof, guarantees, and reassurance. But even when you provide it, they hesitate.

💡 The Freeloader – They already know you can help them… and they fully intend to get as much as possible without ever paying for it.

💡 The Procrastinator – They agree they need help. They say they’ll do it. But when it comes time to move forward, they delay. Again. And again.

💡 The Deflector – They show up, nod along, and even admit they have a problem. But the moment you get too close to the real issue? They dodge, deflect, or disappear.

💡 The Quality Lead – The rare one. The person who sees the value, is ready to invest, and wants to move forward.

Here’s the real problem: 4 out of 5 of these people will never buy.

So how do you stop wasting time on people who will never take action… and make sure your calls attract the ones who will?

The Shift That Changes Everything

What if, instead of spending hours convincing, chasing, or hoping…

…you had a simple way to filter out the skeptics, freeloaders, procrastinators, and deflectors—before they ever get on a call?

Imagine what would happen if the only people booking time with you were those who already saw the value, were already serious, and were already invested in their next step.

It’s a small shift.

But when you do it right, it changes everything.

How to Make This Work for You

If you’ve ever felt exhausted from free calls that go nowhere… if you’ve ever wondered “Why do people keep showing up but not committing?”—then it’s time for a different approach.

The good news? You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

There’s a simple way to ensure your time is only spent with people who are ready for what you offer.

And it’s inside this course.

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