How to quicky and easily get your clients to send you high-quality referrals that skyrocket your business with easy profits… Inside you’ll discover:
The 5-word phrase you must include in your social media posts if you want to get more clients
How to identify your referral hooks that make your clients think of you when they talk with people
How to program your clients so they send you referrals automatically
The 2 very specific pieces of information your clients must include when they introduce you to referrals that speed up the sales process for you when they send you referrals
The one difference between using Your Referral Equation to sell low-ticket products and services versus high-ticket premium offers (it works for both, if you know this secret)
How to transition from an inbound referral to a sale
Exactly how I quickly and easily convert offers in one chat
The 7-step method specifically designed to convert referrals into high-ticket offers on the phone
How to get your referral to see you on the same side (rather than an enemy they are trying to avoid buying something from)
What I absolutely must get the prospect to do early on in the call so that I can win them over, knock down their defenses, and program them to buy
The exact closing question I use
The 2 things I include in my closing question to get referrals to buy from me
How to get referrals to drop their guard so they willingly buy from you